English follows 「東京五輪音頭-2020-」の振り付けレクチャームービーです。 はじめてでも踊りやすい、ゆったりとした踊りが特徴です。踊りを覚えて、優雅にゆうゆう踊ってみてください! This is a video showing the moves for the “Tokyo Gorin Ondo 2020” dance. This version features relatively slower moves that are easy to follow even for beginners.Master the dance and show off your graceful moves! *The projected image of the Tokyo Gorin Ondo dance is inverted. *Please access English subtitles through the Closed Captioning (CC) button on the bottom right of the screen.
●modeA Official Web https://modea-official.themedia.jp/
●小宮範子 (NoRi modeA) Official Web https://norikokomiya.amebaownd.com/ ●Twitter https://twitter.com/modeA_NoRi ●Instagram https://www.instagram.com/norifromjapan/