Business Interruption Claim Lawyer COVID-19

Experiencing BUSINESS INTERRUPTION? The Carlson Law Firm can help.

A business interruption claim lawyer understands that when a business owner has paid thousands of dollars into an insurance policy, they expect to be covered when they need it most. However, As COVID-19 (coronavirus) rapidly spreads across the country, shutting down entire industries, business owners are surprised to learn that they cannot rely on their insurance policies for relief.

It’s no secret that the insurance industry makes billions of dollars a year by denying legitimate claims. The business interruption policy you’ve been paying is supposed to cover your business’ losses while storefronts are closed or sales are down. As a result of the novel coronavirus, businesses are facing severe financial difficulties. A business interruption claim lawyer from The Carlson Law Firm will help you answer the question: “will my business interruption insurance cover my COVID-19 losses?”

Reports have begun surfacing that businesses filing interruption claims are being denied. Insurers are citing various reasons for COVID-19 interruption policy rejections. Short of a state law aimed at protecting businesses, it’s highly likely that these claims will need to be fought on a case by case basis in U.S. courts. With the right business interruption insurance lawyer on your business’s side, you may be able to get the compensation you’re entitled to.

Business Interruption Lawyer


Call 833-4-CARLSON 24/7 for your free consultation. We care. We can help.


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