醸化する音楽会|8/11 五感、解禁。音楽と身体性をとり戻す。(落合陽一編)

毎年開催させていただいている落合陽一×日本フィルのプロジェクト,vol.5の名前は「醸化する音楽会」.8/11 嗅覚・味覚・視覚・触覚・聴覚をフルに使って,五感を解禁するオーケストラ.今,音楽と身体性を取り戻す!ご支援お願いします! https://readyfor.jp/projects/vol5

#半歩先を読む思考法 発売日直前配信.「タイトルは釣り」ってどういうこと?

#半歩先を読む思考法 の発売日直前配信です https://www.amazon.co.jp/%E5%8D%8A%E6%AD%A9%E5%85%88%E3%82%92%E8%AA%AD%E3%82%80%E6%80%9D%E8%80%83%E6%B3%95-%E8%90%BD%E5%90%88%E9%99%BD%E4%B8%80/dp/4103538317?__mk_ja_JP=%E3%82%AB%E3%82%BF%E3%82%AB%E3%83%8A&dchild=1&keywords=%E8%90%BD%E5%90%88%E9%99%BD%E4%B8%80&qid=1625756671&s=books&sr=1-3&linkCode=shr&tag=oribejun-22&language=ja_JP&ref_=as_li_ss_shr&creativeASIN=4103538317&camp=1207&creative=8411&linkId=03d4838d370549812efe661499fde6c4

Yoichi Ochiai, Reminiscence of the Unknown, at MARUI MODI, Shibuya, 2020

Yoichi Ochiai, Reminiscence of the Unknown, at Shibuya, 2020
落合陽一, 未知への追憶, マルイモディ, 渋谷, 2020

A virtual gallery tour of Yoichi Ochiai’s exhibition held in 2020 Summer, Shibuya, Tokyo. The theme of the solo exhibition, entitled “Reminiscence of the Unknown”, is a fascination with mass for the sake of the concept of the mediation of images and materials, computers and nature, and the mediation of the massive and the immaterial. The butterfly motif used throughout the exhibition is a symbol of materialization: the transformation of material things, from classic platinum prints to lithographic prints with thin film interference, displays with ultrasonic controlled reflective luster, and a contemporary take on 19th century projection equipment. Through some of his interpretive works, he questions what massiveness means that cannot be translated into data and evokes the longing we feel for nature and landscape.

