ALLIANCE Chief Officer’s Scottish COVID-19 Inquiry insights: Valuing human rights & the third sector

This video provides an overview of Sara Redmond’s powerful input during Day 5 of the Scottish COVID-19 Inquiry. Sara touched on crucial issues like Long COVID, human rights, the significance of the third sector, unpaid carers, and more.

Sara’s message is clear: leaders in Government, NHS, and social care must include and value the third sector and our society’s most vulnerable when crafting and implementing policies. This isn’t just about making decisions; it’s about safeguarding the wellbeing of our communities.

00:00 – Long Covid
05:50 – Impact on unpaid carers
08:11 – Media perceptions
11:26 – Accessible communications and information
13:59 – Digital Choice
16:32 – Do Not Attempt CPR (DNACPR)
20:12 – Shielding
23:23 – Third sector impact
24:43 – Third sector not being valued
28:38 – Spirit of collaboration and third sector funding
32:14 – Social care experiences
36:11 – Human rights standards and person centred care

Захворюваність на ГРВІ та Covid 19 на Тернопільщині залишається високою

Понад 3800 хворих на ГРВІ та Covid-19 зафіксували на Тернопільщині станом на 6 листопада. Тоді як місяць тому їх було на пів тисячі менше. Відтак, наша область єдина в Україні, де перевищено епідемічний поріг. З чим пов’язана така висока захворюваність на Тернопільщині? Про це спілкуємось з лікарем-епідеміологом Володимиром Паничевим.

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Alayna’s mission ended due to the worldwide Covid-19 pandemic. She found healing when she returned.

#lds #mormon #comeback

“Remember all those miracles and the steps you had to take that you made it through to get where you are now? The same God who called me to Spain, called me home. My Heavenly Father knows me so much and so personally, He knew I wanted to go to Spain. He knew I needed to meet the people that I met. He has shown again and again throughout my life the truth that I am His daughter and that He knows me personally and that He loves me. That was this thought I held onto the most.”

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