Coleta e exame do COVID-19 EPI – Ep.3

Acompanhe nesta série todos os procedimentos adotados pelo Tommasi Laboratório para a realização do exame que detecta a COVID-19.⠀
Neste segundo vídeo, mostramos como nosso profissional realiza, utilizando todos os EPI (equipamentos de proteção individual), a coleta das amostras.
Lembrando que a coleta para o “Corona Vírus” é APENAS domiciliar e o profissional vai se paramentar na porta da casa do cliente e retirar todo equipamento também na porta da casa, antes de sair, carregando com ele o lixo para descarte apropriado.⠀

(27) 99899-0094⠀
(27) 99779-8212⠀
Telefone:⠀0800 002 7700⠀

#porsuavida #fiqueemcasa

Does weight affect needle size for the COVID-19 vaccine? VERIFY

Several social media posts claim if you are over 200 pounds and are getting a vaccine like the COVID-19 vaccine, you actually need a bigger needle for the vaccine to be effective. But is this true?

The severity of the COVID-19 pandemic has faded, but there are still hundreds of hospitalizations and hundreds of deaths in the U.S. each week. That’s why the CDC endorsed new COVID-19 vaccines for everyone 6 months and older. The shots became available nationwide in September.

If you are over a certain weight, you need a 1.5-inch needle and not a standard 1-inch needle for some vaccines.

Yes, if you are over a certain weight, you need a 1.5-inch needle and not a standard 1-inch needle for some vaccines.

The CDC has a list of recommendations for how long the needle should be for administering a vaccine, depending on your age and weight. For women who weigh more than 200 pounds or men who weigh more than 260 pounds, a 1.5-inch needle is recommended. #WakeUpCLT #VERIFY #COVID19