My family and I are going away for the weekend! I like to pack fairly light and I use a simple cabin bag from IKEA ( and I fold our clothes KonMari style to easily see everything. We are going away for two or three nights and for me I just brought one change of clothes which is usually enough.
A b o u t t h i s c h a n n e l
I am a Swedish minimalist mom of two boys. I have been a minimalist for a while now (10 years) and I like to live a light, simple, slow lifestyle with my family of four.
R e l a t ed v i d e o s
What we packed when we went to Spain:
My pretty handbag:
I n s p i r a t i o n
Some of my favourite packing videos by others:
Vested Interest:
Carmen Elaine:
Brittany Taylor:
A few articles regarding traveling (and living) light I like to read and re-read: