Situating COVID-19 in Southeast Asia

As COVID-19 circles the world, how is it manifesting in Southeast Asia? What stories and experiences are emerging within the region? Thailand and Viet Nam seem to be “flattening the curve,” while Indonesia, the Philippines, and Myanmar are hit hard, and Singapore started well until a second wave erupted in its migrant worker population.

Outbreak narratives travel along pre-existing social, political and economic fault lines. How is COVID-19 exacerbating existing social inequities and tensions in the region and how is it bringing people together in new ways?

COVID-19 resonates with recent experiences of viral outbreak in Southeast Asia, including SARS and H5N1 Influenza. What are the new social formations that will emerge out of the pandemic experience, and what does the present moment call for?

In this panel, we will adopt critical, humanistic, and technical perspectives to understand how the pandemic is effecting the Southeast Asian region.


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