Hi everyone! In today’s video, I will share with you how much money I spend in a week living in Toronto as a minimast. If there’s one thing I learned this past year is that money and having a healthy relationship with shopping and spending is very important. As you will see, I primarily spend on food and #rent in #Toronto!
If you’re curious to see how much money I spend per week in my life, this video is for you!
Check out Stickr – Cover the World, a new #socialmedia app:
– https://apps.apple.com/ca/app/stickr-cover-the-world/id1451403538
– http://www.stickr.earth
– https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100070573843328
– https://www.instagram.com/stickr.earth/?utm_medium=copy_link
– https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCmKrYavPqa87QgRDM4X2OeQ
Referral links:
– Goodfood: https://www.makegoodfood.ca/en/referred-by/l1150690
DISCLAIMER: Some of the links on this page are affiliate links, meaning, at no additional cost to you, I may earn a commission if you click through and make a purchase and/or subscribe. Affiliate commissions help fund videos like this one.
I am not a financial advisor. The ideas presented in this video are personal opinions and for entertainment purposes only. You (and only you) are responsible for the financial decisions that you make.
hey guys and welcome back to my channel now if
there’s one thing that i love to do on youtube is
to search up how much it costs to live in various
cities around the world so in today’s video i
figured i would share with you guys exactly how
much i spend living in toronto on a weekly basis
now toronto is known for many things it’s known
for the cn tower for skyscrapers and for drake
but it’s definitely not known as an affordable
city in fact just earlier this year there were
studies published that show that canada is one
of the least affordable housing markets in the
entire world at the moment and i’m sure that if
you speak to some of the locals here they will 100
agree that toronto is just becoming more and more
unaffordable with every single passing day so if
you’re thinking of moving to toronto or if you’re
just curious to see how much i spend in a week
this video is for you so let’s get into it now
how i’ve actually done this is that i’ve pulled up
my credit card history for the past month and
i focused on the last week specifically just to
get an idea of how much i spent and if you see me
looking down that’s because i’m actually looking
at my spreadsheet just in front of me to give
you guys the correct numbers now i’ve actually
broken down my expenses into five main categories
groceries entertainment utilities rent and other
and for each one of those categories i will
tell you exactly what i’ve spent money on
so that you can get a sense of whether that
would apply to you or not now full disclosure
also that as a minimalist if you have seen my
previous videos you may know this i don’t spend
on a lot of things in fact i don’t typically
buy new clothing unless i absolutely need it
i don’t have a lot of discretionary spending and
i also don’t own a car i take public transit or
i try to walk everywhere or i recently actually
got a membership for um the city bike here so if
you’re into biking it’s a very easy and affordable
way to get around the city but you know if you are
a person who has a bigger family or if you have
children this expense list will likely not apply
to you so let’s start by taking a look at how
much i spent on groceries this past week and
if there’s one thing that i want you to know about
me maybe i don’t know if i really want you to know
this about me but i’ll tell you anyway i don’t
really cook i’m actually a very very bad cook
um but recently i got a subscription to good
foods this video is not sponsored i’m just
telling you guys if you’re in the same position as
me maybe give them a shot because it really kind
of changed my life i tried four of their recipes
and i’ll show you guys some pictures right here
as to how they turned out they were all delicious
and for the first time in my life i felt like i
could actually you know have somebody over and let
them taste my food so you know give them a shot if
you’re interested i’ll drop my referral link down
below um if you want to use it no pressure but
it’s definitely something that has kind of
changed my mind about cooking i it’s made
me reconsider giving it a shot so my good food
subscription for this past week was actually 35.44
that may sound cheap to you and that’s correct
the reason why i purchased it in fact was because
there’s a promotion going on where i got 50 off my
first two orders of good foods and i figured two
orders of good foods is good enough for me to get
a sense of how to actually cook a delicious meal
to get some new recipes and now i don’t really
need the subscription anymore i kind of just have
this set of recipes from them and i can just go to
a grocery store and pick some stuff up to cook on
my own later on so 35 and 44 cents on good foods
for me this week and that included four meals
and each meal served two people so in fact that’s
pretty good it’s like eight meals for 35 dollars
not a big deal for me um as a person living on
my own and i also spent another ten dollars or so
approximately um just rounding up on some
smaller stuff that i needed around the kitchen
so overall i spent about 45 dollars for groceries
this week up next we’re looking at entertainment
now that the pandemic is finally coming to an end
although it’s not unfortunately coming to an end
all across the world at the same time um you know
i’ve tried my best to kind of go out as much as
i can and just enjoy my friend’s company and eat
out to the extent that i can again because i don’t
really cook and i’m very bad at it um so actually
this week i went to a very delicious restaurant
here in downtown toronto and i paid about 53 for
my lunch and um it was a really great you know way
to kind of catch up with people obviously it’s a
little bit on the more expensive side there are
cheaper restaurants in toronto not all meals are
50 plus and there’s obviously even more expensive
restaurants than this but i would say that this
is fairly typical depending on who i go out with
to spend about 50 per meal um on a weekend so that
was a fantastic experience just to be able to kind
of go out and relax a little bit and enjoy the
nice weather and also i wanted to introduce you
guys to an app that i recently came across sticker
is a new social media app that i came across and
what makes it really unique is that it only allows
you to post your own authentic content there’s no
retouching or photos copied off the internet or
fake locations the app actually authenticates
any photo that you post that is created within the
past 24 hours so that you know that it’s actually
real if there’s one thing that i’m coming across
a lot on the internet and especially as a female i
find this kind of distressing is a lot of you know
photos that are altered to look a particular way
and i really can mess with somebody’s self-esteem
and confidence to see that kind of perfection on
social media so it’s super exciting to see that
there are apps that are coming out now that
kind of go the opposite direction and they try to
make sure that everything that is posted on the
app is actually true and real this app has lots of
cool features the pictures that you post actually
become available to users on a 3d world map and
it’s also very easy for people to actually just
click on a picture and select an uber or a taxi to
go to that particular location where the photo was
taken and enjoy the same sort of entertainment
or food uh you know that the picture is showing
so it’s super super cool so if you guys are
interested i’ll drop the information down below so
that you can check them out now the third category
that i typically spend on is utilities and this
is something that i don’t really have a lot of
control of obviously you can definitely select
companies that are cheaper if you’re looking at
your cell phone or your wi-fi or anything else
but you have to also keep in mind that the
service might not be best now i usually try
to find the best deal possible and so currently
i’m actually paying just over fifty dollars
on wi-fi divided by four weeks so that’s about
12.71 per week for my wi-fi my cell phone bill
is thankfully covered by my company so i don’t
have to pay for that and additionally my utilities
for living in this apartment are actually covered
under my rent which brings me to my fourth point
rent now as i mentioned in the beginning
of this video toronto has actually ranked
amongst the most expensive cities to be in from a
housing affordability perspective and i know that
rents are starting to go up in toronto luckily
when i rented my current place it was the middle
of the pandemic and so i got a very good deal
i’m paying about sixteen hundred dollars for a
one bedroom apartment downtown toronto and
that comes down to about 400 per week and
that actually includes all of my utilities so i
don’t have it to pay anything extra for utilities
and i heavily heavily encourage you to find
similar deals if you can i know it’s getting
more expensive but there are still units
out there that you can rent for fairly cheap
and lastly other now obviously this will vary
depending on the week and whatever i’m doing in my
life but this particular week i spent 7.90 on eye
drops crazy story i had something stuck in my eye
and it was extremely painful and i had to go
get eye drops because i could not clear it
thankfully my eye is fine but you know i had
to spend the almost eight dollars on eye drops
and additionally i spent 1.91 on a drink at
mcdonald’s because sometimes i give in you know
sometimes you just have to do that for yourself um
so that is my week and i’d be very curious to know
how my week compares to your week um i as you can
probably imagine i spend roughly around this price
around the 500 range per week for four weeks
so just over two thousand dollars a month on a
more expensive month depending on what i do so if
you live in a different city i’d be very curious
to know how much you spend on a weekly basis as
well and also if you think there’s anything that
i can cut down on in my spendings let me know so
there you have it thanks so much for watching if
you enjoyed this video please give it a thumbs
up and i’ll see you in my next one bye everyone