
知識のNetflixを目指して作った動画配信サービス 【Dラボ】はこちらから→https://daigovideolab.jp/


性の進化論――女性のオルガスムは、なぜ霊長類にだけ発達したか? を Amazon でチェック! https://amzn.to/3hFgoSw

性欲の科学 なぜ男は「素人」に興奮し女は「男同士」に萌えるのか を Amazon でチェック! https://amzn.to/2YyZihl

Lauri Nummenmaa et al.(2016)Topography of Human Erogenous Zones

リサーチ協力:パレオチャンネル→http://ch.nicovideo.jp/paleo #今なら

Family minimalism | FULL wardrobe DECLUTTER

#familyminimalism #minimalism #declutterwithme
I don’t want to teach you how to be a minimalist, because I’m still learning too. But maybe I can inspire some of you to make a little changes in your life, if you don’t like it. Don’t be afraid to get rid of junk – it’s like washing up. All of us have accumulated extra things, things that pull us back, that do not allow us to think freely and move easily. Things should not become our chains, they are created to make our lives easier, if they are used correctly and let go when the time comes. We are changing and things around us must also change for us.
Things are just things, and our life is a rushing stream. A lot of unnecessary things can block its flow and turn it into a swamp.

Take care of yourself and your life! It is not infinite.
Love you!


【Presented by Rethink PROJECT】私たちが現在、そして未来に直面する様々な問題。未来の為に、もう一度掘り起こし、考え直す番組「RethinkJapan」。

Turning an UGLY EEL into a Delicious Chirashi Bowl

I know I’m not a catch and cook guy but the bad weather forced my hand to try something a little bit different. Poking around in the tide pools can be a lot of fun and can make for a delicious dinner! Open to any and all tips and suggestions for the next one. Let me know in the comments!

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