Happy Hour #24 : le Festival de Cannes, God of War, Cargo, Ugly Delicious…

Au programme du podcast pop culture ce qu’on a vu, lu et écouté et aimé en mai 2018 :

– 04:20 Cannes, le festival, toute cette pression… (Cinéma)

– 25:44 Revus & Corrigés (Livre & Cinéma)

– 40:47 Nintendo Labo (Jeu Vidéo)

– 52:55 God of War (Jeu Vidéo)

– 1:06:20 Wolf Warrior II (Cinéma)

– 1:18:01 Cargo (Cinéma)

– 1:28:23 Tony et Ridley Scott, frères d’armes, de Marc Moquin (Livre & Cinema)

– 1:39:11 Moins qu’Hier Et plus que Demain, de Fabcaro (BD)

– 1:50:33 Ugly Delicious (Documentaire)

– 2:03:05 Brooklyn Nine Nine Saison 5 (Série)

Happy Hour est un podcast produit par CloneWeb et Red 5 – www.red5.fr

Hébergé par Ausha. Visitez ausha.co/politique-de-confidentialite (https://ausha.co/politique-de-confidentialite) pour plus d’informations.

Only 5-ingredients Ugly Delicious Mochi😊 No-Sugar No-flour No-Milk Dairy-Free Diet

This is a diet mochi made simply in the microwave without flour, sugar, or dairy. It might not look the best, but it’s delicious. Chewy and bouncy, anyone can easily make it with just a microwave. 🙂

I used a bit of coffee powder to give the sugar-free syrup a delicious brown color. You can also use tea water or cinnamon water instead of coffee if you prefer.

Sunny Cooks prefers the simplest and easiest ways to make delicious snacks with minimal ingredients.

If you want to make the mochi look prettier, you can firm it up by placing it in an ice cube tray or a beautifully shaped mold, or even shape it with cling wrap.

Thank you for watching! If you have a snack you’d like to try making, or if there’s a particular snack video you want to see, feel free to leave a comment anytime.

Thanks again!